
Little Voice Childrens and Young Persons' (CYP) Family Meeting - How it works

In many cases we have looked at the emotional effect of parents’ separation on the children involved. Fighting and conflict between parents that involve the children in the disputes causes stress and anxiety, which puts unnecessary psychological burdens on to young shoulders.

After much research, experience and knowledge of working with families, children and young people across a diverse spectrum, we have carefully put together a process that supports children and young people by empowering them to be heard, 'safely.'

‘Those who avoid conflict to keep the peace, start a war inside themselves’

Wise words, with a very poignant meaning. Indeed, we as a society, complying to our role models as children and the societal norms around us, compel us to be 'People Pleasers' everyday of our lives. By doing this, we do not show up for ourselves, but instead,  allow others to put their expectations up on us, which we react to, so to 'please' or even 'appease' them, just as we had been conditionto do so during our childhood. This behaviour causes us to 'eat' away or even 'tear' us apart as we are not comfortable within ourselves by carrying out the expectations of others against our wishes.  

This behaviour is excerbated through much diversity, including breakdowns in families, including divorce and conflict between parents and much more. 

The Effects of Narcissistic Parents on their Children's Mental Health

One of the most common manifestations of a narcissistic father or mother is the inability to be mindful of the child’s own thoughts and feelings and validate them as real and important. Only what the parent thinks and feels matters.

Children under this type of parental influence over time may respond with one of three survival instincts: They may Fight back and stand-up for themselves. They may Flight and distance from their parent(s). Some may begin to Freeze and substitute their invalidated real self with a false persona (playing a role), thus adopting traits of narcissism themselves.

'Are you in the room?'

How many of us have attended meetings and have drifted off somewhere, as our mind wanders off, away with the fairies, or we sit and doodle which draws you in, deeper and deeper into the picture, or you start to a sneaky text conversation, or you feel compelled to answer emails, or even browse the net.

Sound familiar?

Yes, we have all done this. We have all 'left the room' for a time and not paid attention to what is going on in the room. Metaphorically speaking, you have not shown up for yourself, within you. The awareness of Showing Up for yourself, can help you underestand and Show Up for your children as parents. Click below to learn more.


What 'LIES' behind the smiles - 'People Pleasers'

Have a 'Word...'